Exciting Words for Your Ads and Promotion Copy

In my article Dump Those Helping Verbs from Your Ads and Promotion Copy (Even if your teacher made you memorize all 23) I told you to not use helping verbs or passive verbs in your ads or promotion copy. They weaken your copy. Few will respond to what you say.

Those "few" are potential or new customers. Is that what you want?


No! You want lots of potential and new customers.

Exciting Words for Your Ads and Promotion Copy

Probably the most powerful word which was included on this list is FREE. Nothing is cheaper than free.

Here are some other suggested words. I'll bet you can squeeze in a few more:

Absolutely... Amazing... Approved... Attractive... Authentic...

Bargain... Beautiful... Better... Big...

Colorful... Colossal... Complete... Confidential... Crammed...

Delivered... Direct... Discount...

Easily... Endorsed... Enormous... Excellent... Exciting... Exclusive... Expert... Elegant...

Famous... Fascinating... Fortune... Free... Full...

Genuine... Gift... Gigantic... Greatest... Guaranteed...

Helpful... Highest... Huge...

Immediately... Improved... Informative... Instructive... Interesting...

Largest... Latest... Lavishly... Liberal... Lifetime... Limited... Lowest...

Magic... Mammoth... Miracle...


Odd... Outstanding...

Personalized... Popular... Powerful... Practical... Professional... Profitable... Profusely... Proven...

Quality... Quickly...

Rare... Reduced... Refundable... Remarkable... Reliable... Revealing... Revolutionary...

Scarce... Secrets... Security... Selected... Sensational... Simplified... Sizable... Special... Startling... Strange... Strong... Sturdy... Successful... Superior... Surprise...

Terrific... Tested... Tremendous...

Unconditional... Unique... Unlimited... Unparalleled... Unsurpassed... Unusual... Useful...

Valuable... Wealth... Weird... Wonderful.

The above list fits many products and services. What if you're selling candy? Might it be tasty, creamy, delicious, etc.? You will have to add to or delete from this list as you test your ads.

What! You don't run test ads?

Well, you should.

Try these words suggested by Robert W. Bly in his book The Copywriter's Handbook: how to... why... sale... quick... easy... bargain... last chance...guarantee, results... proven... save.

Robert W. Bly says in his book that in some copy the word "free" is used over thirty times.

That must be a good one!

I have a classified ad running this week and it starts out with guess what: Free! The word is capitalized and in bold print and the ad is in a box.

That should do it.

I'll still talk to you when I'm rich.

Exciting Words for Your Ads and Promotion Copy

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (tjbooks@hotmail.com), a retired college professor and business executive, Former editor of an international engineering magazine. To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate University go to his info site. If you desire a flagpole to Fly Old Glory, go to the business site.

More info: http://www.InternetBusinessToolCenter.com

Business web site: http://www.AAAFlagpoles.com